Simplify Your Yearly Compliance Training

Annual HIPAA training is not just recommended, it's mandatory for all Covered Entities

Our engaging HIPAA training can help your organization meet this requirement, while encouraging a culture of awareness in which workforce members understand the importance of compliance centered around protected health information.

Navigate HIPAA with Confidence

Lost in HIPAA’s complexities? We will clarify what's expected of you, helping you meet compliance standards.

Our online HIPAA training is easy to use, completely web-based, and designed to help organizations foster a privacy and security-conscious culture across the organization. The full course is broken up into 12 lessons of no more than 15 minutes each and can be completed asynchronously at your own pace. Access this course any time from anywhere. Save your progress so that you can stop and continue at any time.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to HIPAA

    2. Quiz 1: What Will We Learn?

    1. Why Do We Have To Do This?

    2. Quiz 2: What is the Point?

    1. HIPAA Regulated Entities

    2. Quiz 3: Who is regulated by HIPAA?

    1. HIPAA History

    2. Quiz 4: HIPAA History

    1. The HIPAA Rules

    2. Quiz 5: The HIPAA Rules

    1. All About PHI

    2. Quiz 6: Identifying PHI

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Learn From the Best

Course Instructor

Serina Isch

Co-founder, Managing Consultant

Serina has served as co-founder, managing consultant, and instructional designer for Quirktree™ since 2016. She is a passionate, long-time educator, administrator, and instructional designer who brings her expertise to the compliance and cybersecurity industry. Serina holds a MA from Columbia University and a BA from Oklahoma State University. Her experience in educational design and technology come together as she works to design training materials and policies and procedures that help employees navigate the realities of security and compliance in today’s workplace. With a base of experience in instructional design and development, performance analysis, media integration, training development, curriculum design, benchmarking, business development and assessment, research, risk assessment, and management, Serina's expertise is to examine and attack complex problems or goals from many different angles.

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